Course Description
Hira is a process that consists of several sequential steps such as hazard identification, consequence & frequency assessment, risk estimation based on the existing controls and recommendations to reduce those risks which are not under acceptable limits.
Workplace inspections help prevent incidents, injuries and illnesses. Through a critical examination of the workplace, inspections help to identify and record hazards for corrective action. Health and safety committees can help plan, conduct, report and monitor inspections.
Successful candidates credited with this unit standard are able to:
- Explain the relevant legal requirements to conduct occupational health and safety (ohs) inspections
- Planning occupational health and safety (ohs) inspections
- Conducting inspections to identify non-compliance in the workplace
Reporting on occupational health and safety (ohs) inspections
Conduct workplace occupational health and safety (ohs) inspections learning outcomes
The person credited with this course will be able to understand the legislation that applies to occupational health and safety; the impact that non-compliance would have in the workplace and understand the inspection protocols applicable to the workplace. Learners will also be able to carry out physical inspections and record, report and deal with the results of the inspection in order to implement corrective and preventative actions. The area of focus of this programme will be;
Outcome 1
Programme introduction
- Programme breakdown & duration.
- Unit standard information.
- Purpose of the training.
The occupational health and safety act (act 85, 1993), as amended
- Section 8: general duties of employers to their employees
- Section 9: general duties of employers and self-employed persons to persons other than their employees
- Section 10: general duties of manufacturers, designers, importers, sellers, or suppliers
- Articles
- Substances
- Section 13: duties to inform
- Section 14: general duties of employees at work
- The in
- Impact of non-compliance on the organisation
- Section 37: acts or omissions by employees or mandataries
- Section 38: offences, penalties and special order of court
Specific inspection requirements
- Workplace hazards and risks
Labelling: dangerous goods and substances
- Incorrectly labelled or unlabeled containers
- International maritime dangerous goods code
- Toxic and corrosive (combustible) substances
- Radioactive material (low to high level radiation)
- Flammable liquids
- Flammable solids
- Substances – spontaneously combustible – toxic (air-reactive) potential hazards
- Substances – (water-reactive) potential hazards
- Oxidizers (unstable) potential hazards
- Organic peroxides (heat and contamination sensitive/controlled) potential hazards
- Substances – toxic (non-combustibles) potential hazards
- Infectious substances potential hazards
- Mixed load/unidentified cargo potential hazards
- Gases – inert potential hazards
- Gases – flammable corrosive potential hazards
- Gases – oxidizing potential hazards
Safety colours and symbols
- Prohibition signs
- Warning signs
- Safe condition signs
- Mandatory action signs
- Typical safety signs: examples
The risk associated with workplace hazardous substances
Outcome 3
Planning occupational health, safety inspections
Inspection protocols
Preparing for inspection
Additional aspects relating to planning
- Aspects to examine
- Workplace elements
- Types of hazards to look out for in a workplace
Information to include in an inspection report
- Diagram of area
- Equipment inventory
- Chemical inventory
- Inspection team members
- Typical inspection duration
- Frequency of inspections
Outcome 4
Conducting occupational health and safety inspection
- Observation
- Inspection principles
Risk assessments
- Basic risk assessment
- Generic risk assessment
- Detailed assessment
- Implementation of the outcome of the risk assessment
- Reviewing the risk assessment
The risk assessment
- Structuring risk assessment
- Considering both health and physicochemical risks
What to consider when assessing health risks
- The routes of entry by which the chemical can affect your health
- The physical form and concentration
- The chemical and physical properties of the substance
Determining who could be exposed, and when this could occur
- How often is exposure likely to occur and for how long
- What is the estimated exposure to hazardous chemical?
Complying with exposure standards
Assessing physicochemical risks
- Fire and explosion
- Other factors affecting fire and explosion risks
- Off-site risks
- Risks from corrosive substances
- Compressed gases
- Asphyxiation hazards
- Compressed air
Conducting a risk assessment
- The risk assessment process: an overview
Hazard assessment
Recording the risk assessment
- Who does the assessment?
- Seeking external assistance
Outcome 5
Occupational health and safety inspection report
Inspection information requirements
Assessing the effectiveness of corrective actions
Learners accessing this qualification will have demonstrated competence in:
- School certificate grade 10 or skills certificate equivalent Nqf level 2.
- Communication at Nqf level 1 or equivalent.
- Mathematical literacy at Nqf level 1 or equivalent.
Who This Course is for
Target audience
- Employees / committee members.
- Management / supervisors.
- She representatives